
[Best Escape Games] In this page, you can find and play best quality, highest rated, most commented, and most suggested old and new escape games developed by well known, trusted, and most popular developers. If you want to find and play best escape games, you can check back this page regularly...

New Escape Games

[Featured Game] FreshGames - Blackout Escape is another point and click adventure game developed by Fresh Games. In this adventure game, your task is to guide the main character Marilyn as she ventures deeper and deeper into a mysterious house in the middle of the night. A witch on the roof of a scary...

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Showing posts with the label Barrier EscapeShow all

Games2Mad - G2M Escape the Wooden Barrier is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Mad . In this Wooden Escape game, unlock the secrets and break free from the wooden barrier. You have to use your wit to solve puzzles, uncover hidden clues, and open the gate t…

G2M Escape the Wooden Barrier

Palani Games - PG Desolate Barrier Escape Game i s another point and clicks escape game developed by Palani Games. "Desolate Barrier" invites you to explore a realm where time has cast a shadow over the once-majestic wall. As you step into this abandoned world, you…

PG Desolate Barrier Escape

CoolGames8 - Great Barrier Reef Escape is another point and click room game developed by Cool Games 8 . Environmental pollution and global warming causing rising sea levels that make the reef in one of the popular locations of coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef is threatened.…

Great Barrier Reef Escape


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