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[Featured Game] SelfDefiant - SD Abandoned Subway Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Self Defiant. In this escape game, there was a massive earthquake that shook the whole city. Thankfully, you are safe down in the subway. Now, you must explore the subway and look for...

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BigEscapeGames - BEG Christmas Gift to Partner Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Christmas Escape game, a boy came to snow park with Christmas gift to give his partner. But his partner is missed somewhere in this snow park. So…

BEG Christmas Gift to Partner

BigEscapeGames - BEG Ready to Merry Christmas Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Christmas Escape game, you arrived in Christmas tree land to enjoy your day. You've become disoriented while searching for the path door objec…

BEG Ready to Merry Christmas

BigEscapeGames - BEG Hungry to Christmas Cat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Cat Escape game, a cat is very hungry at the Christmas house and the cat is crying with hunger, but unfortunately cat food is not ready. So, you ha…

BEG Hungry to Christmas Cat

BigEscapeGames - BEG Couple Escape from Snowy Land is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Couple Escape game, a couple trapped inside the secret door in the snowy land and no one is near to help them. You have to help the couple to escape…

BEG Couple Escape from Snowy Land

BigEscapeGames - BEG Bear Collect the Food Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Bear Escape game, a bear came to snow land to collect fishes from the ice river. But unfortunately, it doesn't know the path of catching fish in …

BEG Bear Collect the Food

BigEscapeGames - BEG Rescue the Unconscious Ant Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Rescue Escape game, an ant came to snow land, but unfortunately, suddenly it got sick and fell down in the place, and no one near to help. So, y…

BEG Rescue the Unconscious Ant

BigEscapeGames - BEG Help the Crying Onion Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Onion Escape game, you are in a beautiful place and you suddenly noticed that the beautiful onion was trapped in the net. It was crying because it wa…

BEG Help the Crying Onion

BigEscapeGames - BEG Save the Innocent Bunny Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Bunny Escape game, the family bunnies are ready to go to the snow party. But unfortunately, one innocent bunny is trapped in the pit in this place.…

BEG Save the Innocent Bunny

BigEscapeGames - BEG Beast to Boys Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Boy Escape game, two boys came to the mysterious land. But unfortunately, boys were changed into beast by some magic. So, you have to find the magic stick an…

BEG Beast to Boys Escape

BigEscapeGames - BEG Find the Grandpa Mobile Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Find Escape game, a grandpa came to the farm house to enjoy the day. But unfortunately, his smart phone was missing in the farm house. So, you have…

BEG Find the Grandpa Mobile

BigEscapeGames - BEG Panda Meet the Friend Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Panda Escape game, two pandas happily lives in the forest. But unfortunately, they missed each other. So, you have to help them to unite by finding u…

BEG Panda Meet the Friend

BigEscapeGames - BEG Rescue the Pair of Eagle Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Eagle Escape game, you are traveling from the house to enjoy your day in the flower land. Suddenly, you notice that there is a pair of eagles trap…

BEG Rescue the Pair of Eagle

BigEscapeGames - BEG Help Find the Spacecraft Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Spacecraft Escape game, a man astronaut came to universe space. But unfortunately, he is trapped in that space place, because he missed the spacec…

BEG Find the Spacecraft

BigEscapeGames - BEG Help the Sinful Dog Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Dog Escape game, a sinful dog came to the village, but unfortunately, the sinful dog was trapped inside the door and there is no one near to help. So, …

BEG Help the Sinful Dog

BigEscapeGames - BEG Finding Halloween Candy Bag Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Halloween Escape game, you came to the Halloween land and someone said there is a hidden candy bag in this land. So, you have to find Halloween…

BEG Finding Halloween Candy Bag

BigEscapeGames - BEG Escape the Unconscious Dog is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Halloween Escape game, you are in Halloween pumpkin land and you suddenly noticed that a dog is unconscious in the pumpkin land. So, you have to help t…

BEG Escape the Unconscious Dog

BigEscapeGames - BEG Finding Halloween Treat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Halloween Escape game, a small boy came to celebrate Halloween party in the graveyard. Someone told to boy that Halloween treat is hidden in the gr…

BEG Finding Halloween Treat

BigEscapeGames - BEG Halloween Family Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Family Escape game, a Halloween family is trapped in the magical door at the Halloween night and they don't know how to escape from this place. So, yo…

BEG Halloween Family Escape

BigEscapeGames - BEG Crying Candle Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Halloween Escape game, a candle couple came to terrible devil land. But unfortunately, one candle is trapped inside the cage and no one near to help. So, you…

BEG Crying Candle Escape

BigEscapeGames - BEG Liberate the Postman Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this Halloween Escape game, a postman came to Halloween land. But unfortunately, he was locked in the cage by a witch. So, you have to help the postman to …

BEG Liberate the Postman


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