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Showing posts with the label Child EscapeShow all

Games2Jolly - G2J Find the Child Teddy Bear Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . In this Find Escape game, a little girl always has a teddy bear doll with her. One day, teddy bear doll went missing, and she cried continuously for it. The …

G2J Find the Child Teddy Bear

Games2Jolly - G2J Rescue the Child Monkey in River Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . In this Rescue Escape game, a mother monkey and her child live near a river. The mother monkey went to get fruits for her child, so she crossed the ri…

G2J Rescue the Child Monkey in River

WowEscape - Wow Fearsome Forest Children Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, someone trapped the children in the fearsome forest and they don't know how to escape from fearsome forest. So, you have to help them to es…

Wow Fearsome Forest Children Escape

WowEscape - Wow Genie Saves Young Child Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, a young child is trapped in the fire circle. But he doesn't know the idea to escape from this fire and the genie can only save him. So, you …

Wow Genie Saves Young Child

Games2Rule - G2R Assist The Mermaid Child Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Rule . In this escape game, the mermaid and her child live underwater. One day, someone caught the mermaid child and trapped her in the cage. Mom mermaid doesn't kn…

G2R Assist the Mermaid Child

WowEscape - Wow Children Looking for Pets Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, children and their pets play in the old house. But unfortunately, someone trapped the pets in this cage. So, you have to help the children res…

Wow Children Looking for Pets

G2R-Japanese Mushroom Child Escape is Developed by this escape game, a Japanese mushroom family lives in the forest. One day, a mushroom child plays in the woods,but unfortunately, the child stuck in the wood. So you have to help the mushroom child come out. …

G2R-Japanese Mushroom Child Escape

Palani Games - PG Chinese Child Rescue Game i s another point and clicks escape game developed by Palani Games. In "Chinese Child Rescue," players embark on a daring journey to save kidnapped children from a mysterious underground syndicate. As they navigate throug…

PG Chinese Child Rescue

Wow-Save The Banana Child is developed by this escape game, a mom, banana, and child live in the forest. One day, mom misses her child, she doesn't know where the child is. So you have to help the mom find her child. Play This Game Video Walkthrough

WOW-Save The Banana Child

Wow-Innocent Eagle Child Escape is developed by this escape game,an eagle and his child live in the forest. One day, a child came to play in the forest without her mom. Saddly, that child was trapped by the snake. Mom was searching for her child, so you have t…

WOW-Innocent Eagle Child Escape

Wow-Children Seeking Old Memories is developed by this escape game, children come to their old house to seek their old photo frames. But they don't know where the photo frames are, so you have to help them find the old memories. Play This Game Video Walkth…

WOW-Children Seeking Old Memories

Wow-Rescue The Tiny Child is developed by this escape game, a father and a tiny child came to this for vacation. At the time, suddenly that child was trapped in the middle of an ice river. Her situation was frightening, and her father had no idea how to rescue…

WOW-Rescue The Tiny Child

G2R-Save The Donkey Child is Developed by this escape game,a donkey and a child live in the garden. One day, the child's donkey went the wrong way, and mom missed her child. So mom didn't know where the donkey,so you have to help find the child. Play …

G2R-Save The Donkey Child

Embark on a heartwarming adventure in '8b Find Child Walker,' brought to you exclusively by  8BGames ! Join the quest to locate the lost Child Walker and experience the joy of helping others. Navigate through charming scenes, solve puzzles, and unravel the mystery behi…

8b Find Child Walker

Wow-Nightmare Child Escape game is developed by this escape game, the mother sleeps well. Her baby being trapped in a dangerous cage was something she dreamed about during that time. She tried to save, so you have to help the mom rescue her child from a dream.…

WOW-Nightmare Child Escape

WOW-Mom Find Missed Child is developed by this escape game, A Mom missed her child  in the airport, but she don't know where the child ,So you have to help the mom to find her child from this airport. Play This Game Video Walkthrough

WOW-Mom Find Missed Child

WOW-Goat Find The Child is developed by this escape game,A goat missed her child from this village ,Goat don't know how to find her child,So you have to help the goat to find her child from this village. Play This Game Video Walkthrough

WOW-Goat Find The Child

G2R-Grand Child Meet Grandma is Developed by this escape game, A grand child ready to meet his grandma ,But he trapped inside the house,So you have to help the boy to find the key and meet his gramdma.  Play This Game Video Walkthrough

G2R- Grand Child Meet Grandma

WOW-Flower Find The Child is developed by this escape game, A flower missed her child from this forest,flower don't know where the child ,So you have to help the flower to find her child.  Play This Game Video Walkthrough

WOW-Flower Find The Child

WOW-Help The Mom And Child is developed by this escape games, A mom hen missed her child from this street, Hen don't know how to find the child ,So you have to help the hen to find her child. Play This Game Video Walkthrough

WOW-Help The Mom And Child


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