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Showing posts with the label Demo EscapeShow all

StudioLook + ColorBomb - Trace Escape: Definitive Edition is demo remake of Trace point and click escape game developed by Color Bomb and Studio Look . In this Trace Escape game, you awake to find yourself locked inside a curious house. You have to explore your surrou…

Trace: Definitive Edition

NaivusLuo + - Don't Wake Up My Dream is another demo point and click puzzle escape game developed by Naivus Luo for . In this Puzzle Escape game, you’ll join a lovable dog on a series of playful adventures. Each level is like a little episode, full …

Don't Wake Up My Dream

BigLoopStudios + SnapBreak - Doors: Paradox is another point and click puzzle escape game developed by Big Loop Studios for Snap Break . In this Puzzle Escape game, for as long as we can remember, we've been walking on the thin edge between chaos and order. Until o…

Doors: Paradox

LilouCormic + - Domino House Escape: Demo is another point and click puzzle escape game developed by Lilou Cormic for . In this Puzzle Escape game, you have to solve puzzles involving domino pieces, hidden objects, and item use to escape the strange dom…

Domino House: Demo


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