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Showing posts with the label Dental Clinic EscapeShow all

NeatEscape - Neat Reverse Escape Game: Dental Clinic Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Neat Escape . In this Dental Clinic Escape game, you find yourself in front of your dentist's closed door, just before your long-awaited appointme…

Dental Clinic Escape

Geniefungames - GFG Dental Clinic Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Genie Fun Games . Imagine that you have been locked inside of this clinic room and you have to find the key to escape. You can find useful stuffs and interesting clues symbols to so…

GFG Dental Clinic Escape

FirstEscapeGames - FEG Escape Game: Dental Clinic Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by First Escape Games . In this escape game, assume that you went to a dental clinic for some dental treatment. After the treatment, you find that you are all alone i…

Escape Game: Dental Clinic Escape

EightGames - Nova Dental Clinic Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by  Eight Games . A man was having pain in his teeth, so he was in the Nova Dental Clinic for dental check up. After getting treatment he felt some giddiness. He took a rest for some t…

Nova Dental Clinic Escape


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