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Showing posts with the label Floor EscapeShow all

Maroya - Marshmallow’s New Home: First Floor Part 5 is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Maroya . In this Room Escape game, you are locked in a room and you have to try to escape from room by finding items and solving puzzles. Can you able to esca…

Maro and New Home - 1st Floor: Part 5

Migigames - Migi Empty Ground Floor Escape is another point and click escape game developed by geniefungames . Imagine that you have been locked inside of this place. Solve clues, puzzles and find the key and escape. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game Video Walkthrough

Migi Empty Ground Floor Escape

Ekeygames - Ekey Work Floor Place Escape is another point and click escape game developed by ekeygames . Assume that you have been locked inside of this Room and you have to find the way to escape from this Room. Use your own skill to find the way to escape. Interact everythin…

Ekey Work Floor Place Escape

GenieFunGames - GFG Top Floor Attic Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by geniefungames . Assume that you have been locked inside of this place and you have to find the way to escape. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game Video Walkthrough

GFG Top Floor Attic Room Escape

Ekeygames - Ekey Wooden Floor Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by ekeygames . Assume that you have been locked inside of this room and you have to find the way to escape from this room. Use your own skill to find the way to escape. Interact everythi…

Ekey Wooden Floor Room Escape

FunEscapeGames-Basement Hardwood Flooring Escape is another point and click escape game developed by An escape game that takes you into a Basement with Hardwood Flooring. The game is full of puzzles. Can you escape this place, it will not be easy I assu…

FUN Basement Hardwood Flooring Escape

GenieFunGames - GFG Wooden Floor House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Genie Fun Games . Imagine that you have been locked inside of this house and you have to find the way to escape. You can find useful stuff and interesting clues symbols to solve …

GFG Wooden Floor House Escape

Maroya - Sinheya 2-3: Maro and New Home 1st Floor Part 3 aka Maroto New House 1F Hen 3 is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Maroya . In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you need try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzz…

Maro and New Home: 1st Floor Part 3

Maro and New Home: 1st floor part 2 is another point & click escape game developed by Maroya . I am searching for my owner's house. Let's escape from the garden and enter the house. Good Luck and have fun! Play this Game Video Walkthrough

Maro and New Home: 1st Floor - Part 2

[WEB/MOBILE: Android] The Happy Escape The Top Floor Room is another premium quality Japanese point & click room escape game developed by Tesshi-e for MildEscape . In this game, you are in the top room in the escape hotel. You find yourself in another escape chall…

🖳 📱 Mild Escape - The Happy Escape The Top Floor Room

Maro and New Home: 1st Floor - Part 1 is another point & click Japanese escape game developed by Maroya . In this classical game, meet the cat Maro again: help the trapped little predator escape from the room by finding and using items and by discovering hints to solve…

Maro and New Home: 1st Floor - Part 1

Games4Escape - Top Floor Escape is another new point and clicks type escape game from Games4Escape. In this game, you are in firing building, somehow you reached the terrace. You have to find a way escape from the building from the terrace with the help of useful objects to…

Top Floor Escape

MirchiGames - Mirchi Escape Floors Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Mirchi Games . In this game, you are stuck at the third floor and you have to advance to the next floor by solving some interesting puzzles and escape. Click on the objects to interac…

Mirchi Escape Floors Escape

5nGames - 5n Escape Game: 7 Floors Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 5n Games . There are seven floors in this apartment. Go from one floor to another while collecting required objects to unlock the door on the seventh floor. Use clues and interact wit…

Escape Game: 7 Floors Escape

5nGames - 5n Escape Game: 8 Floors Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 5n Games . There are eight floors in this floor escape game. You need to move from one floor to another while collecting required items in order to escape from the eight floor by unlo…

Escape Game: 8 Floors Escape

MirchiGames - Mirchi Escape the Floor is another point and click escape game developed by Mirchi Games . Assume that one day you woke up in the locked room locted in 4th floor of the apartment. You have to find hidden clues and use them to solve puzzles and get the exit door k…

Mirchi Escape The Floor

EightGames - Escape From Haunted House 13th Floor is another point and click room escape game developed by  Eight Games . During his US trip, a tourist trapped inside the haunted house 13th floor. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, so…

Escape From Haunted House 13th Floor

GuilhermeTelli - Ezcape 003: Two Floors is another point and click room escape game developed by Guilherme Telli. "I'm very sorry for the long time without new games. I'll try release new games in less time from now. Escape 003: Two floors is my new escape game. Y…

Escape 003 - Two Floors

Games4King - Escape from 3rd Floor  is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King . Trapped inside this third floor you have to find a way to come out. Try by using the clues found in the 3rd floor and escape. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game�…

Escape from 3rd Floor

[REPLAY] TimeFall - Room Escape: Floors Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Time Fall. Could it be the mysterious 101th floor your great grandfather used to tell stories about? Good luck and have fun! Update : Let's replay this game, while wai…

Room Escape - Floors


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