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Showing posts with the label GamesNovelShow all

GamesNovel - Mulgrave Castle Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . In this game you came to clean the poser room. But unfortunately someone trapped you inside this mulgrave castle. There is no one to help you. You have to escape from there by…

Mulgrave Castle Escape

GamesNovel - Zamok Street Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . In this game you came to clean the poser room. But unfortunately someone trapped you inside this zamok street. There is no one to help you. You have to escape from street by find…

Zamok Street Escape

GamesNovel - Old Bengali Palace Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . After studying for the exam, you go to sleep and you are now sleeping peacefully. Then you are having an exciting dream that you are an adventurer and you are in a old beng…

Old Bengali Palace Escape

GamesNovel - Abandoned Dark Fort Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . You are visiting a fort with your friends, you get amazed looking at big fort and forget about your friends. You are so amazed you suddenly noticed you are lost and the fo…

Abandoned Dark Fort Escape

GamesNovel - Own Chemical Lab Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . You are a student and you are always studying to get high grades and you also participate in physical activities. But when it comes to the chemistry subject no matter hard yo…

Own Chemical Lab Escape

GamesNovel - Old Fire Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . As an adventurer, you are very interested about the old fire room. The people living in the nearest village have stories about the old fire room. They said that the castle is cu…

Old Fire Room Escape

GamesNovel - Forest Cat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . There is a rare kind of forest cat that lives in the deep part of the forest. That part is where the cavemen lived before and now they were all gone. You want to see the wild cat a…

Forest Cat Escape

GamesNovel - Abandoned Dam Fort Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . Imagine you are a soldier and you’re at war between the other country. Your command post is in the fort and you are almost defeated. You need to evacuate that post immediat…

Abandoned Dam Fort Escape

GamesNovel - Escape To School is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . This is a critical game where the some one has been trapped in the house, so you will need to collect the necessary objects to make him escape from this house. If you have the right…

Escape To School

GamesNovel - Danger Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . As an adventurer you are very interested about the danger rooms. The people living in the nearest village have stories about the old danger room. They said that the castle is curs…

Danger Room Escape

GamesNovel - Magic Flower Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . As an adventurer you are very interested about the magic flower room. The people living in the nearest village have stories about the magic flower room. They said that the c…

Magic Flower Room Escape

GamesNovel - Wild Lion Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . You are one of the people who work as a protector of a forest. The forest that you are protecting is a nature reserve and there are few lions living in that place. You knew that lio…

Wild Lion Escape

GamesNovel - Rock Bricks Wall Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . As an adventurer you are very interested about the rock bricks wall. The people living in the nearest village have stories about the rock bricks wall. They said that the cast…

Rock Bricks Wall Escape

GamesNovel - Baby Giraffe Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . You wanted to find a new house to rent that is nearer to your workplace and in the town. Your old house that you are renting now is a little bit far from the town and the house i…

Baby Giraffe Escape

GamesNovel - Dark Diamond Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . You are dreaming that you are being abducted by a huge bird and you are flying in the sky. You feel mixed emotions like you are scared and afraid that you might fall, and you fe…

Dark Diamond Escape

GamesNovel - Abandoned Street Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . There was a family who lives in the abandon street, its because they are poor and they think that they don't belong to the town and the people will not accept of being w…

Abandoned Street Escape

GamesNovel - Queen Palace Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . You are dreaming that you are being abducted by a huge bird and you are flying in the sky. You feel mixed emotions like you are scared and afraid that you might fall, and you fee…

Queen Palace Escape

GamesNovel - Ant Escape From Cage is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . There are ants  that live in the forest. They lived peacefully there and sometimes people go there to give the ants foods. Then one day you go to the forest to see the ants and …

Ant Escape From Cage

GamesNovel - Cuckoo Bird Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . There are cuckoo birds that live in the forest. They lived peacefully there and sometimes people go there to give the cuckoo birds foods. Then one day you go to the forest to see …

Cuckoo Bird Escape

GamesNovel - Lady Bug Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel . There are Bugs that live in the forest. They lived peacefully there and sometimes people go there to give the bugs foods. Then one day you go to the forest to see the bugs and you sa…

Lady Bug Escape


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