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Showing posts with the label Gear EscapeShow all

Jim-Ar + EscapeEnigma + - Gear Escape 2 is another point and click room escape game developed by Jim-Ar and Escape Enigma for . In this Gear Escape game, you are locked in a room with multiple unique mechanisms. Can you solve them and escape from gear room s…

Gear Escape 2

Jim-Ar + EscapeEnigma + - Gear Escape 1 is another point and click room escape game developed by Jim-Ar and Escape Enigma for . In this Gear Escape game, you are locked in a room with multiple unique mechanisms. Can you solve them and escape from gear room s…

Gear Escape 1

GearEscape is another point and click type room escape games by Masa. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! Play Gear Escape

Masa Gear Escape

Gearlock - Episode 1 is another point and click type adventure game created by Hyptosis. In this game you must find some items and solve some puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by small-tool] Play Gearlock: Episode 1

Gearlock: Episode 1

Gazzyboy Gears Of War Hidden Numbers is a new point and click type hidden object game from Gazzyboy. Find the numbers in a given Image. For each accurate click,score will get increased and for wrong click,score will get reduced. Try to find out the numbers soon and get Bonus P…

Gears Of War - Hidden Numbers

Gears Room Escape is another new point and click type room escape game created by one of our visitor Sharon for EG24 visitors. In this game, as always been you are locked in a room and you need to find items and solve puzzles to get out of the room. Use your point and click …

Gears Escape

The Jewels Gear is a kind of puzzle game . Use the direction of the arrows to move the board and line up the gems to make them disappear. Use the left click button. Have fun! Play This Game

Jewels Gear


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