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Showing posts with the label Magic Forest EscapeShow all

365Escape - 365 Magic Forest Escape 2 is another point and click escape game developed by 365 Escape . In this Forest Escape game, you woke up and found yourself lost in a magical forest. And now you have to figure out how to find a way back home. You have to find items and h…

365 Magic Forest Escape 2

Top10NewGames - Top10 Escape From Magic Forest is another point and click escape game developed by Top 10 New Games . Assume that you are trapped in the magic forest and you try to escape from the magic forest by using objects, keys, hints, and by solving puzzles. Can you Esc…

Top10 Escape From Magic Forest

WowEscape-Mystical Magic Forest Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape .In this escape games,you are trapped inside the mystical  magic have to find useful objects and escape from this place. Good luck andhave fun! Play This Game …

Wow Mystical Magic Forest Escape

Top10NewGames - Top10 Escape From Magic Forest is another point and click escape game developed by Top 10 New Games . Assume that you are trapped in the magic forest and you try to escape from the magic forest by using objects, keys, hints and by solving puzzles. Can you Esca…

Top10 Escape From Magic Forest

365Escape - 365 Magic Forest Escape is another point and click room escape game created by 365 Escape . You are stuck in the magic forest. The only way out is through the magical door. Find a key to solve this problem. Good luck and have fun! Play 365 Magic Forest Escape

365 Magic Forest Escape

365Escape - Old Magic Forest Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 365 Escape . You are lost in some old magic forest. Solve all the puzzles that will lead you to the secret key, so you can leave this forest. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by AlphaOm…

Old Magic Forest Escape

MirchiGames - Mirchi Escape Magic Forest 2 is another point and click series escape game developed by Mirchi Games . Explore the forest and find hidden magical objects to solve puzzles and find four objects to unlock a fairy girl from the forest. Click on the objects to intera…

Mirchi Escape Magic Forest 2

MirchiGames - Mirchi Escape Magic Forest is another point and click escape game developed by Mirchi Games . Explore the forest and find hidden magical objects to solve puzzles and find four diamonds to unlock the magical door. Click on the objects to interact. Good luck and ha…

Mirchi Escape Magic Forest

Esklavos - Magic Forest Escape 5 is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Esklavos . In this escape game, you try to escape from the magic forest using four crystal eyes. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game

Magic Forest Escape 5

Esklavos - Magic Forest Escape 4 is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Esklavos . In this escape game, you try to escape from the magic forest using four skull eyes. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game Esklavos Magic Forest Escape 4 Walkthrough��…

Magic Forest Escape 4

Esklavos - Magic Forest Escape 2 is another point and click adventure style escape game developed by Esklavos. In this escape game, you try to escape from the magic forest using four skull eyes. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game Magic Forest Escape 2 walkthrough

Magic Forest Escape 2

Esklavos - Magic Forest Escape is another point and click adventure style escape game developed by Esklavos . In this escape game, you try to escape from the magic forest using four skull eyes. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game Magic Forest Escape  walkthrough

Magic Forest Escape

Magic Forest is a different type point and click hidden object game from Games2girls. While you walk along the mysterious forest path, try to find the magic items in 5 minutes. Click on the items when you find them and if you see an evil witch on the path, click on her to des…

Magic Forest


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