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Showing posts with the label MouseCityShow all

[Replay Game] SelfDefiant + MouseCity - SD Black and White Escape: The House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Self Defiant for Mouse City . You fell asleep watching television. When you woke up, you were in a strange black and white house. Now you…

Black and White Escape: The House

Babysitter Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, You are at a new house, babysitting for a young boy who loves playing pranks. In fact, you are currently locked in the house: explore the environment, colle…

SD Babysitter Escape

SD Escape Christmas Cabin is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant  for  MouseCity . In this game, you are stuck inside of a Christmas cabin. Look around and see what you can find to help you escape: explore the environment, collect useful items…

SD Escape Christmas Cabin

SD Forgotten Chateau Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up all alone in a forgotten chateau! How did you get tere? Look around and see if you can figure that out and what you can find to hel…

SD Forgotten Chateau Escape

SD Snowy Night Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you heard a noise outside and decided to go to check it out: it turned out to be nothing. But now, you are locked out! Look around and see what you ca…

SD Snowy Night Escape

SD Arctic Danger Escape is another point & click escape game developed by  Selfdefiant for MouseCity . While on an expedition in the arctic, your plane suffered a malfunction, which forced the aircraft down. Now, you must figure out how to escape! Look around and se…

SD Arctic Danger Escape

SD Winter Retreat Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you are on a retreat in the mountains. You went skiing and got lost! Now you will have to figure out how to get back. Look around and see what you c…

SD Winter Retreat Escape

SD Locked In Escape: Pyramid is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, locked inside of a pyramid! Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to escape. G…

SD Locked In Escape: Pyramid

SD Crime Solvers: Missing Puppy  is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant  for  MouseCity . In this game, you are the lead detective at Crime Solvers. Today, you have a new case: there's a little girl with a missing puppy. Help her retrieve…

SD Crime Solvers: Missing Puppy

SD Locked In Escape: Temple is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, locked inside of a temple! Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to escape. Goo…

SD Locked In Escape: Temple

SD Jungle Boy Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, a jungle boy is lost, deep in the boondocks! Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to help the jun…

SD Jungle Boy Escape

SD Coastal Forest Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, lost inside of a coastal forest. Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to escape.…

SD Coastal Forest Escape

[UPDATE] SD Fantastic Cave Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you got locked inside a fantastic cave! Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to esc…

SD Fantastic Cave Escape

SD Luxury Beach Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up all alone on a luxury beach. Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to escape. Good lu…

SD Luxury Beach Escape

SD Locked In Escape: Grandma's House is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, locked inside of grandma's house! Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure…

SD Locked In Escape: Grandma's House

SD Halloween Castle Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, locked inside of a Halloween castle! Explore the environment, collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to es…

SD Halloween Castle Escape

[REPLAY] Carmel Crazy Halloween is another point & click adventure type escape game developed by CarmelGames for MouseCity . It's Halloween and the trick-or-treaters are about to raid on CrazyDad's house. Help him avoid another craziness crisis by finding enoug…

Carmel Crazy Halloween

SD Halloween Horror Escape is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, stranded inside a Halloween horror house. Collect useful items and solve puzzles in order to figure out how to escape. Good luck and …

SD Halloween Horror Escape

SD Locked In Escape: Gym is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, you woke up, locked inside of a gym. Your friend must be playing a trick on you...! Look around and set your target to escape. Good luck and have fu…

SD Locked In Escape: Gym

SD Escape Fall Festival is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for MouseCity . In this game, your friends left you at the fall festival. You must figure out now how to get out of this place! Look around and see what you can find to help you e…

SD Escape Fall Festival


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