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Showing posts with the label Pixel EscapeShow all

FmStudio - Forgotten Hill: Pico Escape is another point and click adventure escape game developed by FM Studio . In this Forgotten Hill game, you’ve been assigned a strange task: find the creature that escaped from the lab. Can you take Pico back to its cage from the laborato…

Forgotten Hill: Pico

Samburger360 - Hunted Escape is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Samburger360 for Newgrounds . In this Adventure Escape game, you are in a scary place and must make preparations to be defended from an evil being. When you're ready with your prep…

Hunted Escape

Ariyoshi + DasshutsuGames - Room 0 Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Ariyoshi for Dasshutsu Games . In this Room Escape game, you are locked in a room and you have to try to escape from room by finding items and solving puzzles. Can you…

Room0 Escape

TeamBeanLoop + - Six Cats Under Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Team Bean Loop for . In this Cat Escape game, after an unfortunate accident, you control the ghost of an old lady who must by all means free her orphaned cats locked in…

Six Cats Under


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