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Showing posts with the label Relief EscapeShow all

Games2Live - G2L Red Bird Relief Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Live . In this Bird Escape game, imagine that you had been to a village, On there, a bird had trapped in a cage. Here is the interesting puzzles and hidden objects to find and …

G2L Red Bird Relief

Mirchi Find Spooky Treasure: Witch Relief is another point & click escape game developed by  MirchiGames . In this game, our witch - well known from the previous games - now requests you to release her trapped sister. Use your wits by solving some interesting puzzles w…

Mirchi Find Spooky Treasure: Witch Relief

Third episode of Horror on the High Seas series. Guide Shaggy and Scooby through a series of interactive action and logic based puzzles. Click here to play

Horror on the High Seas: Episode 3 - Reef Relief


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