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Showing posts with the label Sacred EscapeShow all

Hidden4Fun - H4F Sacred Symbols is another point and click hidden object game developed by Hidden 4 Fun . In ancient Greece, gods and goddesses were central to religious beliefs and daily life, each governing different aspects of the natural world and human experience. Zeus, t…

Sacred Symbols

Hidden4Fun - H4F Sacred Journey is another point and click hidden object game developed by Hidden 4 Fun . Going on a pilgrimage is considered the supreme gesture of a believer. People are willing to travel miles and miles to make a pilgrimage to a holy place, and this journey …

Sacred Journey

Hidden4Fun - H4F Sacred Rights is another point and click hidden object game developed by Hidden 4 Fun . The gods must be respected, especially when it comes to them because if their will is not respected, all kinds of things can happen. Since the time of ancient mythology, th…

Sacred Rights

WowEscape - Wow Sacred Cow Escape HTML5 is developed by Wow Escape. In this escape game, You came to see the beauty of the wonder fantasy forest. But unfortunately, you are trapped in that wonder fantasy forest. You have to find the way and escape from there by finding useful …

Wow Sacred Cow Escape

Top10NewGames - Top10 Escape From Sacred Place is another point and click escape game developed by Top 10 New Games . Assume that you are trapped in the sacred place and you try to escape from the sacred place by using objects, keys, hints and by solving puzzles. Can you escap…

Top10 Escape from Sacred Place

AvmGames - Avm Sacred Forest Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Avm Games . Assume that you are trapped in a sacred forest and you want to get to back to the real world. The only way to escape from the sacred forest is through a cave. First, you need to…

Avm Sacred Forest Escape

Umarooma - Olya's Travels Part 5: The Sacred Mask is another point and click adventure game created by Andrey for Umarooma . Curious girl Olya travels around Africa. Treasure hunters have stolen the Sacred mask of shaman here. The characters of the game will help you solv…

Olya's Travels Part 5: The Sacred Mask

[REPLAY] Indy - Indiana Jones and the Sacred Fortune is another little point and clicl adventure game developed by Gamershood. Indy noticed a weird map in a library and he want's to explore it a bit. He flied to Egypt but on the way plane started misbehave. Now he's mi…

Indy - Indiana Jones and the Sacred Fortune

Chronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred Treasure is a new addictive point and click adventure type Chronicles of Mystery series downloadable hidden object games from Download Games 24. With smarts, intelligence, and a zest for adventure, young American journalist Chel…

Chronicles of Mystery: The Legend of the Sacred Treasure

SSSG 14 - Super Sneaky Spy Guy 14: Search for the Sacred Statue is the 14th episode of SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy point and click adventure game series created by Self Defiant for Melting-Mindz. "This time you are taken to the small island town of Hemptasia where the t…

SSSG14 - Super Sneaky Spy Guy 14: Search for the Sacred Statue


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