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Showing posts with the label Sinking EscapeShow all

Games2Jolly - G2J Rescue the Sinking Sheep Boat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . In this Sheep Escape game, a sheep is boating on a river one evening when it accidentally collides with a rock, under water sinking beneath. You have to …

G2J Rescue the Sinking Sheep Boat

Games2Jolly - G2J Rescue the Trekker Boy from Sinking Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . In this escape game, a boy named Trekker went into the forest for trekking. When he realized his water bottle was empty, he saw a pool and was about…

G2J Rescue the Trekker Boy from Sinking

Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Sinking Rescue Escape is another point and click room escape game created by Games 2 Jolly . Our JollyBoy went to the strange forest and he unfortunately fall down into the water and sinking. No one is there to save him, so help him to alive by using th…

Jolly Boy Sinking Rescue Escape

EnaGames - Ena Escape From Sinking Ship is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games . Visualize a situation that you are the owner of a ship travelling across the world lonely. Unfortunately, your ship got crashed by something, which you came to know lat…

Ena Escape From Sinking Ship

Treasure Hunt Sinking Ship is another point and click hidden object game from Games2rule. It's the time to use your observing skills to discover treasures in the Sinking Ship pictures. Find the hidden treasures in short duration to get high score. Avoid clicking wrongly as…

Treasure Hunt - Sinking Ship

Sinking Titanic Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by EscapeGamesLand. In this game, you are locked in a ship and you need to escape by finding items and solving some puzzles. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game

Sinking Titanic Escape

Sinking ShipEscape is another new point and click type escape the room game from Gamershood . Try escape the sinking ship before it´s too late. Use you escape skills to gather items and escape the ship! Play Sinking Ship Escape

Sinking Ship Escape

Sinking Car Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by . Taking a car ride, your car gets tumbled off the bridge and starts to sink in the river. You will have to escape from the sinking car before it sinks completely. Good luck and have fu…

Car Sinking Escape


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