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Showing posts with the label Star EscapeShow all

8BGames - 8B Escape Star Fruit is another point and click escape game developed by 8B Games . In this Find Escape game, you will embark on a delightful escape challenge featuring the cheerful star-shaped fruit character. This engaging experience is filled with exciting puzzle…

8B Escape Star Fruit

Games2Mad - G2M Star Gate Survival Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Mad . In this Survival Escape game, trapped within a mysterious star gate, you must solve cosmic puzzles and navigate alien technology to escape. Will you survive the unknown…

G2M Star Gate Survival

Games2Jolly - G2J Find Purple Star Bike Key Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . In this Find Key Escape game, an adult boy wants to ride with his friends this Saturday, so he asks his dad for permission. However, his dad doesn't allo…

G2J Find Purple Star Bike Key

BIG-Pop Star Couple Escape is Developed by this escape game, you come to see a red house. But you notice that the pop star couple in the house is locked. So you have to find the key to escape from there by finding useful objects. Play This Game Video Walk…

BIG-Pop Star Couple Escape

Step into the limelight with "8b Find Rock Star Ellen," an electrifying room escape game presented by  8BGames . Immerse yourself in the world of music as you navigate through Ellen's rockstar realm, solving melodic puzzles and uncovering the secrets of the stage…

8b Find Rock Star Ellen

Ekey Bright Star Hostel Room  Escape another point and click escape game developed by ekeygames . Assume that you have been locked inside of Bright Star Hostel Room  cabin You can find useful stuffs and interesting clues symbols to solve and finally Escape the Bright Star Host…

Ekey Bright Star Hostel Room Escape HTML5

WOW-Mystical Star Forest Escape HTML5 is Developed by this escape game,you are trapped inside the mystical star living land ,you dont know the way to escape ,So you have to find the way and escape from mystical star living Land Play This Game Video Walkthrough

Wow Mystical Star Forest Escape

Games2Escape - G2E Find Golden Star For Santa is a point and click escape game developed by  Games2Escape Team. You can experience both interesting and unique puzzles that feeds your curiosity and challenges your escaping skill. Play and Have fun... Play This Game Video Walkth…

G2E Find Golden Star For Santa HTML5

BIG-In this escape game, you came to see Christmas Star Forest. But unfortunately, you are trapped in that place. so you don't know the way, therefore you have to find the way and escape the Christmas star forest. Play This Game Video Walkthrough

BIG-Christmas Star Way Out Escape HTML5

Palani Games - PG Pink Star Man Escape Game i s another point and clicks escape game developed by Palani Games. A pink star man lives in a magnificent place in a small village. He is very active. The boy is going to a pink star man then the pink star man is unexpectedly stuc…

PG Pink Star Man Escape

Games2Jolly - G2J Cute Star Tortoise Escape is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. We know that you are a great fan of Escape games but that does not mean you should not like puzzles. So here we present you Cute Star Tortoise Escape. A cocktail wit…

G2J Cute Star Tortoise Escape

8bGames – 8b Star wars Yoda Escape is a point and click escape game developed by  8BGames . Imagine that you went to see Star Wars family, you went there Yoda trapped in that house, you have to find some hidden object to solve some interesting clues to find Star Wars Yoda. Goo…

8b Star wars Yoda Escape HTML5

GenieFunGames - GFG Holiday Star Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Genie Fun Games . Imagine that you have been locked inside of this place and you have to find the way to escape. You can find useful and interesting clues symbols to solve and finally e…

GFG Holiday Star Escape

WowEscape-Luxury Christmas  Star House Escape is point and click escape game developed by Wowescape. In this escape game, you are trapped inside the luxury Christmas star house. No one is there to help. You have to escape from there by finding useful objects, hints and solving…

Wow Luxury Christmas  Star House Escape

GFG Star Hotel Room Escape GenieFunGames - GFG Star Hotel Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Genie Fun Games . Imagine that you have been locked inside of this room and you have to find the way to escape. You can find useful stuffs and intere…

GFG Star Hotel Room Escape

Games2Rule - G2R Christmas Star Forest Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Rule . In this escape game, you are trapped inside the Christmas Star forest. You need to escape from there by finding useful objects, hints and solving puzzles. Good luc…

G2R Christmas Star Forest Escape

BigEscapeGames - BEG Big Star Fitness Studio Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this escape game, you are trapped inside a Star Fitness Studio. No one is there to help you. You have to escape from that Fitness Studio by finding use…

BEG Star Fitness Studio Escape

G4K Little Star Escape is another point & click escape game developed by  Games4King . There was a place on a magnificent planet. The place was beautiful to see. A little star lived on that planet. That little star was very fuzzy. One day, the little star got unexpecte…

G4K Little Star Escape

FirstEscapeGames - FEG Escape Games: Star Hotel Escape is another point and click escape game developed by First Escape Games . A person who is on a business trip is staying at this star hotel in a suite. The person has to attend a meeting now, so got ready to leave the suite.…

Escape Game: Star Hotel

Top10NewGames - Top 10 Escape from Star Hotel is another point and click escape game developed by Top 10 New Games . Assume that you are trapped in a star hotel and you try to escape from the star hotel by using key, objects, hints and solving puzzles. We hope you will escape …

Top10 Escape from Star Hotel


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