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Showing posts with the label Starving EscapeShow all

Games2Mad - G2M Hunger Hustle Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Mad . In this Man Escape game, a starving man is trapped and desperate for food. You have to solve challenging puzzles, uncover hidden clues, and help him escape to satisfy his hu…

G2M Hunger Hustle

WowEscape - Wow Feed the Lilliput Starving Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, a lilliput lives in the forest. One day, lilliput is very hungry and doesn't have energy to find some food. So, you have to find the food…

Wow Feed the Lilliput Starving

WowEscape - Wow Feed Starving Innocent Fox Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, an innocent fox is very hungry and fox doesn't have energy to find the food. So, you have to help fox to find food and feed the starving…

Wow Feed Starving Innocent Fox

WowEscape - Wow Aid Starving Innocent Cat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, an innocent cat lives in the forest. One day the cat is very hungry, but there is no food. So, you have to help the cat find food and eat. Goo…

Wow Aid Starving Innocent Cat

G2L Starving Sheep Rescue is a point and click game developed by   8BGames / Games2Live . Imagine that you had been to a village, On there a sheep had trapped in a cage. Here is the interesting puzzles and hidden objects to find and rescue the sheep from the cage. Good luck.. …

G2L Starving Sheep Rescue

8bGames – 8b Starving Lion Escape is a point and click escape game developed by  8BGames . Imagine that you went to your friend home to see a starving lion which is escaped from zoo. When you went there it got trapped inside of the house. Find some hidden object to solve and f…

8b Starving Lion Escape Html5

Games4King - G4K Starving Bear Escape Game   i s another point and clicks escape game developed by Games 4 King . There was a magnificent village near that forest. There was a starving bear that lived in that forest. One day the starving bear was roaming around the village. T…

G4K Starving Bear Escape

WowEscape-Starving Bee Escape HTML5 is Developed by this escape game, You came to see the rock adventure. There is one Queen Honeybee starving for Honey. You have to get the honey for queen honeybee by finding useful objects, hints, and solving puzzles. Good L…

Wow-Starving Bee Escape HTML5

AVM Starving Goat Rescue is another point & click escape game developed by AVMGames . Welcome back, Escapers! Story of this game, you were driving to your friend house. In your way you passed near a nice farm. As you were curious about it, you stopped to take a look. I…

🖳 AVM Starving Goat Rescue

Games4King - G4K Starving Squirrel Rescue Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 4 King . There were a few houses in a beautiful and magnificent village. Those houses were pretty good-looking. A starving squirrel lived in that village. One day, the st…

Starving Squirrel Rescue

8bGames - 8b Starving Lion Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 8b Games . Imagine that you went to your forest house on a vacation. As you haven’t went there for a long time. When you went there you saw a lion trapped inside a cage. You don’t know how lo…

8b Starving Lion Escape

Games2Rule - Starving Horse Rescue Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Rule . In this game, you came to visit a forest which is outer of the city. But in this forest you noticed that someone trapped a horse inside a cage. No one is there to …

Starving Horse Rescue Escape

SniffMouse - Real World Escape 166: Starving is another point and click room escape game developed by Sniff Mouse. You are locked in the room with some man who is starving. You better find a way to get some food or he may eat you! Your target is to find 12 sniffmouse icons by …

Real World Escape 166 - Starving

Games2Jolly - G2J Starving Dog Rescue Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . The concept of this game is to feeding milk for the hungry dog. Now, you need to find the key using the clues and by solving the puzzles. Good luck and have fu…

Starving Dog Rescue Escape

Games2Jolly - G2J Starving Cow Rescue Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . The concept of this game is to feeding Hay for the hungry cow. Now, you need to find the Hay for cow by using the clues and by solving the puzzles. Good luck a…

Starving Cow Rescue Escape

Games2Jolly - Starving Squirrel Rescue Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . The concept of this game is to feeding apple for the hungry squirrel. Now, you need to find the apple for squirrel by using the clues and by solving the puzzl…

Starving Squirrel Rescue Escape

EnaGames - Ena Comfort The Starving Lion 2 is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games . The story of the game is about comforting the lion which is starving for food. In the first part, with the help of fox, you tried to help the lion to provide food.…

Ena Comfort The Starving Lion 2

EnaGames - Ena Comfort The Starving Lion Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games . Assume a situation that the Lion, being the king of forest, dintt get anything for the past three days. So it feels like dying due to starvation. It can'…

Ena Comfort The Starving Lion


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