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Showing posts with the label Wounded EscapeShow all

Games2Mad - G2M Save the Blue Giant Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Mad . In this Whale Escape game, you will embark on a mission to save and rescue a wounded whale trapped in the ocean. You have to solve puzzles, navigate challenges, and br…

G2M Save the Blue Giant

WowEscape - Wow Assist the Wounded White Deer Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this escape game, you came to see the forest. Suddenly, you noticed a deer suffering from injury. The deer is very troubled and can't move. So, you have…

Wow Assist the Wounded White Deer

BigEscapeGames - BEG Rescue a Wounded Guy Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape Games . In this escape game, a guy came to this garden, but unfortunately he fell down. He is unconscious, so he has an injury. So, you have to help the guy to recov…

BEG Rescue a Wounded Guy

G2R-Wounded Dog Meet Girlfriend is Developed by this escape game, a dog was trapped on the side of a river, but the girlfriend is on the opposite side of the river. So you have to help the dog meet his girlfriend because the dog has an injury, so he doesn'…

G2R-Wounded Dog Meet Girlfriend

WOW Save the Wounded Deer is another point & click escape game developed by WOWEscape . In this escape game, you came to a deep forest. But unfortunately, you noticed that a Deer is wounded badly. You have to help the wounded Deer by finding useful objects, hints and solv…

🖳 WOW Save the Wounded Deer

WowEscape - Wow Save the Wounded Dog Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this game, you noticed that a dog is wounded badly. Because of that other dog is not playing with it. You have to find the way to make all the dogs play together by …

Wow Save the Wounded Dog

AvmGames - Avm Wounded Squirrel Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Avm Games . After travelling abroad where they had a park dedicated to squirrel, you couldn't help but love the creatures. They seemed to be gently yet playful enough. Back there, t…

Avm Wounded Squirrel Escape

Games2Jolly - G2J Wounded Boy Rescue Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly . There's a very brilliant boy in the town. Some pricks have kidnapped him and locked him up in a house far away from the hometown. You are somehow into his mind u…

Wounded Boy Rescue

8bGames - 8b Wounded Boy Escape is a point and click escape game developed by  8b Games . Imagine that your neighbor boy fell down in front of you and got wounded. Later you took the wounded boy to his house to provide first aid. Unfortunately he got trapped inside his house.…

8b Wounded Boy Escape

AvmGames - Avm Wounded Deer Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Avm Games . You were walking along the forest when you saw a wounded deer. It's your first time to see a deer in real life so you followed it. But what you saw at the end of the run…

Avm Wounded Deer Escape


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